Known issues (current)
No software is perfect, but it's nice to know what things will be addressed and fixed very soon.
I am ordering this list in the mixed order of what annoys me and what is easy to fix.
- The select on the Complexity diagram works sporadically. You might be stuck on the chart unable to get to the text grid.
When you update the Analysis Set (assemblies you want to explore), you are immediately redirected to the "Explore" tab.
Under the covers, the Structure Tree is being recalculated and cached to SQLite (this keeps the memory footprint very low).
The newly loading Explore page is supposed to handle the background processing asynchronously, both in JavaScript loading the page, and in C# calculating the Structure Tree.
For now the page fails to load properly. The workaround is to wait a few seconds and switch to another tab and back to Explore. Simply refreshing the page will not work.