Software Dog Analytics Corp.
My name is Jim and I am located in Kelowna, British Columbia, CANADA.
It is a 30 year-old nickname I got from an old boss who pretended to misunderstand me when I was chirping about "wasn't he lucky to have a Software God" working for him.
Short answer, because the Province of British Columbia told me I could not have "Software Dog Corp." Too vanilla!
I just slapped "Analytics" in there because that is what .NET Explorer does.
I have an official privacy policy, but in plain language, my intention is to be exemplary in corporate behavior:
- I currently do not have a login system on my Web page.
- Application News is provided in the .NET Explorer UI. You read it if you wish; nothing is pushed to your email Inbox.
- I would love diagnostics (C# and JavaScript exceptions), but sending this information to me is turned off by default. If you opt in to help me improve the application, then I receive only the C# exception stack or a brief description of the JavaScript exception. No other information is sent to me.
- I do not use cookies. If my Web site has stored a cookie on your computer, then that is some ASP.NET magic. There is no code on my Web site that examines or manipulates cookies.
- I do maintain enough information about you associated with a purchased license key to both support you, and enforce my Intellectual Property rights.
If you have any questions, please contact me at